News Listing

Press Release

Proposes investing $1 billion in federal American Recovery Plan funds for key infrastructure needs including housing, broadband, water and sewer projects, climate change mitigation, and economic development  

Business Support

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact revenues for small businesses across the state, Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC) and Two Rivers - Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC) have announced a second round of the Vermont CDBG-CV economic relief grant program to support Sole Proprietors.

Business Support

GMP makes it easy to install EV chargers for public use with no upfront costs. The Workplace Charging Program was designed with all commercial customers in mind, including offices, retail stores, municipal buildings, condos, hotels, ski resorts, car dealerships, auto shops, and more!

Business Support

Kick Start Middlebury is a new incentive program to recruit businesses to Middlebury storefronts and other spaces left vacant after downtown construction and the pandemic. Package includes $10,000 cash grant and services and products donated by area businesses

Press Release

At their January 21, 2021 meeting, the ACEDC Board appointed John Roberts, Executive Director of the Champlain Valley Farmer Coalition, to fill Ms. Pope’s seat. The Board also appointed Ron Hallman, Vice President of Communications and Engagement at the UVM Health Network Porter Medical Center, and Dave Castle, Director of Operations at Mechanical Advantage, LLC to fill the expanded board seats ...

Business Support

“The business was a good candidate for the BGS grant because they are an established business with a growth plan that involved specific capital investments (renovations and equipment) that would make the business more competitive and able to add jobs,” explained Fred Kenney, executive director of the ACEDC. “Again, timing was key. They had a capital investment requirement at the time the grant ...


First and foremost, ACEDC urges all businesses and their employees to follow the latest guidance from the Vermont Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). 
The most current information can be found here:     
Stay up to date with Business and Community Resources. Visit our COVID-19 Business and Community Resource Page or sign up for our ...

Business Support

With the help of the ACEDC loan, Birchmore converted the 1,700-square-foot garage into his new shop and moved into the farmhouse with his dog, Peyton. Birchmore Sales & Service has been open full time since January 2020, and Birchmore said he’s been keeping busy. 

Business Support

Grants and loans through the Addison County Economic Development Corporation (ACEDC) were essential to converting, then moving into, the 2,848-square-foot space. 
“This was a huge project,” he said. “I spent more on renovations than I did on buying the building. It didn’t have any windows. It was down to the studs. As far as electric there was pretty much one light bulb and one outlet.”

Business Support

A year later, Kenney and the ACEDC helped Rellini and Pinna establish their current meat processing facility at 656 Exchange Street in Middlebury, in the town’s industrial park, and provided them with business advice and application assistance for some of the loans and grants they’ve received. Most recently, Agricola Farm won a $200,000 USDA/Rural Development grant, to which the ACEDC made a $20 ...