New Small Business Technical Assistance Exchange Grant Program Announced

ACEDC and the RDCs of Vermont are proud and excited to once again offer technical assistance grants to Vermont-based very small and small businesses through the Small Business Technical Assistance Exchange (SBTAE) program. Modeled on successful programs previously funded by Federal COVID dollars and operated by the Regional Development Corporations of Vermont, which assisted over 800 Vermont businesses, the SBTAE is funded by a state grant made available by the Vermont General Assembly through the Agency of Commerce and Community Development to the RDCs of VT.
Through Business Navigators in each region, Vermont small businesses can access a vast list of technical assistance providers to help with transitional projects for the business. The Navigators will assist businesses to register, choose a vendor, develop a scope of work, and ensure the project comes to a successful completion. Grants of up to $4,000 will be awarded to eligible businesses and paid to the vendors once the work is completed.
Any Vermont-based small business meeting the eligibility requirements may apply. The program will prioritize applications from businesses owned by BIPOC, Women, Young Vermonters, Mature Vermonters, people with disabilities, Veterans, LGBTQ+-identifying business owners, justice-involved individuals, and those in rural areas.
Click here to view more information on the program including eligibility requirements, types of eligible projects, and other information.
Click here to view the program website and to register as a potential applicant.
Vendors Sought for SBTAE
We are seeking new vendors willing to offer their services as part of this program. To register as vendor, go to the program website here click on “Become a Vendor.” Registering as a vendor does not guarantee work through the program. It is up to the clients to select the vendor with whom they want to work.