What is ACWA?

The mission of the Addison County Workforce Alliance (ACWA) is to align the Addison County workforce development system to the needs of employers as well as job seekers through systematic and ongoing engagement and partnership.
Goals and Objectives:
- Understand the current and future workforce needs of regional employers.
- Establish and meet regional workforce development outcomes through coordination, collaboration, and networking of employers, employees and service providers.
- Identify and focus workforce development resources available in and to the region to attain established outcomes.
- Identify gaps in workforce availability and training/education in the region.
- Develop strategies to fill gaps and meet the needs and the broader economic development goals of the community through regional workforce planning and regional industry-focused sector strategies.
The Alliance meets virtually on the first Tuesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. via Teams link.
ACWA is open to any Addison County workforce development service provider, educators from all levels, other community organizations involved in workforce development, and any Addison County employer. To join, contact Fred Kenney at fkenney@addisoncountyedc.org
Recent and Upcoming ACWA Activities:
- Financial Reality Fair
- Sponsorship of Addison County Job Fair
- Come visit us in the Lucian D. Paquette Exhibit Building at the Addison County Fair & Field Days, August 9-13, 2022
Current ACWA Membership (Alphabetically)
Bernadette Brookes, Northlands Job Corps
Suzanne Buck, Vt Adult Learning (Also Chair, Hannaford Career Center Board)*
Margaret Burns, Middlebury College
Sherry Carlson, Let’s Grow Kids
Keith Collins, Middlebury High School
Kim Collins, Vermont Department of Labor
Rachel Cummings, Counseling Service of Addison County
Bill Cunningham, Tri-Valley Transit
Beth Demers, Community College of Vermont
Mary Ellen Giglio, HireAbility Vermont*
Sarah Kearns, Vt Small Business Development Center
Fred Kenney, Addison County Economic Development Corporation*
Charlie Kornman, Vergennes High School
Trisha LaFayette, United Way of Addison County
Martha McCaughin, VSAC
Wendy Morse, Vermont Department of Labor
Dana Peterson, Patricia Hannaford Career Center*
Natalie Reigle, Vermont Adult Learning
Steve Riegle, Counseling Services of Addison County
David Roberts, Vermont Adult Education, Hannaford Career Center*
Alan Saltis, Vermont Department of Health
Darla Senecal, Building Bright Futures
Jennifer Stefani, CCV Middlebury*
Phil Summers, Addison County Chamber of Commerce*
Michelle Thompson, Vermont Department of Labor
Helena Van Voorst, United Way of Addison County
*Indicates Member of ACWA Steering Committee