Treeline Terrains: An ACEDC Success Story

Treeline Terrains creates unique 3D map artwork that celebrates the founders’ appreciation of the natural world. Alex Gemme, Nathaniel Klein, and Jacob Freedman started their business journey while they were students at Middlebury College. All three wished to remain in Vermont after graduation, and so they founded Treeline Terrains in April of 2021. Over time they built a name for themselves and demand for their products grew. They moved to a larger shop, invested in more equipment and advertising, and grew some more. As demand continued to increase and another holiday season approached, Alex, Nathaniel and Jacob realized they would need even more equipment to meet demand. Through the Addison County Economic Development Corporation, they were able to secure a BGS (Buildings and General Services) grant that allowed them to effectively double their machinery and keep up with an ever-increasing volume of orders.

Establishing and building their business in Vermont provided these three young men the work-life balance they desired, allowing them to enjoy Vermont’s varied recreational opportunities when the workday is done.

“Being a small business, it’s really hard to get started and get your feet off the ground,” Alex told us. “We just want to say thank you to everybody who’s helped us get to where we are here. There’s so many people in this tight-knit community that helped us get off the ground. So that’s why the story started here in Vermont on the slopes and why we stay here in Vermont and kept our business here throughout all of the different steps and journeys as we’ve grown from literally in a college dorm room to a 5,000 square foot workshop.”