Press Release: ACEDC Announces New Board Members and Officers
For Immediate Release
January 22nd, 2021
MIDDLEBURY, VT – At the Annual Meeting of the Addison County Economic Development Corporation on November 6, 2020, the membership approved the expansion of the Board of Directors to 16 members. Additionally, long-time Board member Stephanie Pope stepped off the board.
At their January 21, 2021 meeting, the ACEDC Board appointed John Roberts, Executive Director of the Champlain Valley Farmer Coalition, to fill Ms. Pope’s seat. The Board also appointed Ron Hallman, Vice President of Communications and Engagement at the UVM Health Network Porter Medical Center, and Dave Castle, Director of Operations at Mechanical Advantage, LLC to fill the expanded board seats. The appointed members will serve a one-year term with the opportunity for re-election to a three-year term at the November 2021 membership meeting. The Board also welcomed Renny Perry, former Vergennes City Manager, City Council Member, and Mayor as the newly designated Board member from the City of Vergennes.
Also, at the January 21 meeting, the Board elected the following executive team for the 2021 term:
- Sarah Morris, Basin Harbor, President
- John Kiernan, Otter Creek Engineering, Vice President
- Matthew Curran, Middlebury College, Treasurer
- Caroline Carpenter, National Bank of Middlebury, Secretary
- Susan Evans McClure, Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, At-Large
Continuing to serve on the ACEDC Board are the following:
- Valerie Capels, Bristol Town Administrator, designated by the Town of Bristol
- David Estes, Peoples United Bank
- Robert Feuerstein, Kennedy Brothers, designated by the Addison County Chamber of Commerce and the Regional Planning Commission
- Marie Jewett, Retired, Co-op Insurance
- Jeff Olson, Addison County Real Estate, designated by the Town of Middlebury
- Bill Townsend, JP Carrara &Sons/Vermont Industrial Parks
- Chris Wilson, Collins Aerospace
“Like everyone, ACEDC has had to adjust and adapt during the pandemic,” stated ACEDC President Sarah Morris. “But we are committed to our core function to advance economic and community development in Addison County. Adding talented team members from the health care, small manufacturing, and agriculture sectors will enhance our work to grow entrepreneurs and support existing businesses in Addison County."
Fred Kenney, Executive Director, ACEDC
(802)777-8349 or