News Listing

ACEDC Update
Press Release

A collaboration between the Addison County Economic Development Corporation, Addison County Chamber of Commerce, Better Middlebury Partnership, Vergennes Partnership, and Bristol CORE has received a $30,000 grant from the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Tourism and Marketing, for regional marketing.

GIV Summer Institutes 2022

Applications for GIV’s nine intensive, in-person summer programs for Vermont high schoolers are now open.

175 Vermont businesses from diverse industries completed the latest annual economic survey in January regarding the outlook of Vermont’s small- to medium-sized businesses.

Vermont Small Business Development Center logo

14th Annual Student Business/Entrepreneurship 2022 Competitions
1. Business Model Canvas (BMC) Plans
2. Business Video Pitch Plans

ACEDC and ACCoC logos

The Addison County Chamber of Commerce and the Addison County Economic Development Corporation are pleased to announce a series of business webinars in 2022. Each webinar covers a different topic relevant to the Addison County business and non-profit communities, presented by local business owners and support organizations.

 Regional Development Corps Launch Business Recovery Program

The Regional Development Corporations of Vermont are part of a new Community Navigator Pilot Program (CNPP) that will deliver technical assistance service contracts to aid Vermont business recovery.

Business Support
Join the Vermont Building at The Big E

The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets (VAAFM) is seeking applications for Vermont businesses interested in vending at the Vermont Building at the Eastern States Exposition (Big E).

Vermont Tech Fiber Installation Training Program

This four-day course includes one day of classroom learning and three days of hands-on labs exercises focused on specific fiber optic outside plant disciplines.

ACEDC Update
Press Release

The Regional Development Corporations of Vermont have been chosen by the Vermont Small Business Development Center (VtSBDC) to participate in the new Community Navigator Pilot Program (CNPP). CNPP will deliver technical assistance service contracts to aid Vermont business recovery.

ACEDC Update
ACEDC Board members

At the Annual Meeting of the Addison County Economic Development Corporation on November 12, 2021, the membership approved four new members to the Board of Directors and at the December 16, 2021 Board meeting, a new executive team was elected for the 2022-2023 term.