Call to Action: Please Contact Addison County Legislators about Vermont Housing Bills
On Monday, February 19, 2024, the ACEDC Board sent a letter to the House Committee on Environment & Energy and the Senate Committee on Natural Resources & Energy. The letter calls on those committees, which are chaired by Rep. Amy Sheldon and Sen. Christopher Bray, to pass the proposals included in H.719 and S.311. These proposals, which have tri-partisan legislative support and the support of Governor Scott, contain regulatory (state and Act 250), municipal zoning changes, tax benefit proposals, funding, and other proposals that would make it easier, less expensive, and faster for the private and public sectors to build more housing and more affordable housing units, while continuing to avoid sprawl or incentives for development outside designated areas. You can read the letter here.
You know firsthand the impact the lack of available and affordable housing is having on the ability for our business community to attract and retain employees at every level of the workforce. These bills represent a responsible and sustainable approach to increased housing development that will work to meet Vermont’s unprecedented housing supply challenges while continuing to maintain the stewardship to environmental protection that we all prioritize.
Please contact Rep. Amy Sheldon ( and Sen. Christopher Bray ( and ask them to:
- Make changes this session to address the housing crisis in a way that results in the responsible development of all types of housing.
- Ensure consideration of S.311 and/or H.719 by their committees and final passage by the House and Senate, this session.
Thank you for taking the time to express your support for legislation that will help make a positive shift in one of the most challenging issues facing Vermonters. If you have any questions related to this request, please reach out to Barbara Richardson, Operations Manager, at
Fred Kenney, Executive Director