Apply For SBA's Executive Entrepreneurship Training Class

Become a Better CEOThe Small Business Administration is accepting applications for T.H.R.I.V.E., a free executive entrepreneurship training course scheduled to begin in June.

 Over six months, small business owners will learn how to accelerate growth through targeted training from leaders in small business development and work with a network of experienced subject matter experts in core business areas such as accounting, business strategy, marketing and human resources.

The SBA Vermont District Office will select 20 small businesses to participate in the training course. The training is not for start-ups or people who are thinking about starting a business. To be accepted, small business owners must:

  • Have annual revenues of at least $250,000.
  • Have been in business for at least three years.
  • Have at least one employee, other than self.

To apply for the six-month training, visit

For more information about the training, visit