ACEDC Announces Development of a Regional Priority Project List for State and Federal Funding

For Immediate Release: September 28, 2022
Contact: Fred Kenney, Executive Director, ACEDC 
(802)777-8349 or


MIDDLEBURY, VT – The Addison County Economic Development Corporation (ACEDC) and the Addison County Regional Planning Commission (ACRPC) are partnering with other regional organizations, developers, and municipalities to develop a Regional Priority Project List for state and federal funding.

The Regional Priority Project List process is occurring in every region of the state and the final product is submitted in January to the Agency of Commerce & Community Development (ACCD), who will use it for funding decisions and share the lists with other state and federal funders for consideration in making decisions on grant programs. 

“The Regional Priority Project List is a way for the region to tell state and federal officials, and others, what the priority economic and community development projects are for our region,” stated Fred Kenney, ACEDC Executive Director. “It also helps us and the regional planning commission match projects to various state and federal funding opportunities as they are announced.”

Eligible projects must have an economic or community development nexus and should demonstrate the following:

  • Purpose for, and benefit to, the region
  • Be prepared to get underway, if funded
  • Experience and history of principals implementing similar projects
  • Support of stakeholders and advancement of community and regional economic development goals
  • Project budget developed with identified sources/uses and a demonstrated funding gap
  • Job creation and/or retention

Anyone with a project should complete a Project Information Form, available here. Submissions must be made using the project form and be submitted by October 28, 2022.

The projects will be evaluated according to scoring and prioritization factors (see here). All eligible projects will be included on the regional list, which will also be posted on our website, but only the top ten projects will be submitted by the region to the Agency of Commerce and Community Development.

The Regional Project List Process is an ongoing process; projects may be added and taken off the list on a continuous basis. Projects will move up in the prioritization process as they secure funding and become “shovel ready.” Projects that emerge in between annual cycles can complete the form and submit for consideration for an amended list, if appropriate.
