2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information for Individuals and Businesses
At ACEDC we are concerned first about the health and safety of our friends and neighbors in Addison County and want to do everything we can to promote activities that will slow the spread of this virus. Please look at the links below and take precautions early rather than late. We realize that the coronavirus will have a disruptive impact on businesses and individuals in our region. We believe getting informed and being prepared is the best defense.
To help you rationally prepare, here is some information from official sources, most of which is being updated daily:'
For everyone:
Vermont Department of Health: 2019 Novel Coronavirus
UVM/Porter Hospital: Coronavirus
For businesses and Employers:
U.S. CDC (regularly updated webpage): Guidance for Business Response
Vt Department of Health Poster for Employers: Stop the Spread of Germs
At ACEDC we are evaluating our response based on a position of protecting the health and safety of our employees, members, and the public. We are encouraging remote work, avoiding large gatherings, and advising people to stay home if sick and attend meetings remotely when possible. We are evaluating each of our workshops and events on a case-by-case basis and will inform you if we are canceling events.
ACEDC will be working with our regional partners throughout this event and will coordinate responses with appropriate partners when everything settles down. Watch out for your neighbors and remember our local businesses, especially downtown Middlebury who now will need to get through a severely reduced customer base this Spring as well as the construction disruption this Summer.
Please keep ACEDC informed (FKENNEY@ADDISONCOUNTYEDC.ORG) about any impact on your business due to this pandemic, including supply shortages, supply chain disruptions, the severe decline in sales/customers, or other negative impacts. State and Federal government organizations often come to us asking about impacts as they prepare to deploy programs. For example, the U.S. SBA may deploy small business disaster loans
We are here to help make sure you and your business continue to operate as smoothly as possible through this outbreak. Please let us know if there is any way ACEDC can help.