Starting Your Own Business - With VtSBDC

04-09-2025 10:00 AM - 04-09-2025 11:15 AM

Starting your own business can be challenging, especially for first-time business owners. If you’re ready to explore turning your idea into a real business opportunity, then this is the presentation for you. By joining this 75-minute workshop, you’ll gain a basic overview of starting your own business including some practical tips/steps.

•         How to evaluate if there is a viable business opportunity in your idea?
•         What makes your business unique? Creating your value proposition.
•         Testing your idea. Learn about the Business Model Canvas and how to use it.
•         Registrations and initial legal questions.
•         Basics of financials and how to calculate what you’ll need to get started.
•         You’ll have an opportunity to have some of your burning questions answered by
          our VtSBDC Business Advisors giving the presentation.
•         Following the session, you’ll leave with next steps to consider, and you will receive a
          copy of the program along with many resources to turn to for guidance!

More information and registration may be found here.

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Starting Your Own Business - With VtSBDC
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